Friday, November 16, 2007

ByLaws Used by Triton Kiteboarding & Eckerd Kite Club

By Laws For Collegiate Kiteboarding Clubs

Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of this club is to promote the sport of Kitesurfing/Kiteboarding in a safe and efficient manor. This is one of the fastest growing sports in the world and with constant improvements in safety and performance the cost of the sport can be quite high, thus making it difficult to get into. Using the resources that this educational institution can provide we will be able to safely and efficiently promote/spread this sport.

Club Name:
Triton Kiteboarding

Objectives and Purpose:
Triton Kiteboarding acknowledges the difficulties individuals can experience when attempting to learn a high-end watersport. We intend to use our leadership and knowledge of all the sports of watermen to safely create an environment where any member of the college community will be able to learn and enjoy these sports without all the cost and red tape.
One of our largest goals is to have every member who wishes to enjoy kite-related sports to be able to achieve the appropriate certification allowing them to do so. There are two primary organizations governing the sport of Kiteboarding, these are PASA (Professional Aeronautical Sports Association) and IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization). The purpose of these organizations is to promote the sport in a safe and regimented fashion. Rather than having people purchase equipment and go through a potentially dangerous trial and error program, they have developed certified curriculums and teaching methods that eliminate the possibilities of negligence and danger. Certain beaches in the early evolution of Kiteboarding acknowledged that it may be difficult for beachgoers, bathers, and other watersports enthusiasts to coexist, due to the nature of Kiteboarding taking up a good deal of space. Hence bans were put on certain beaches and the growth of the sport was drastically stunted. Now, at the majority of the beaches worldwide the only thing a kiteboarder needs is a certification card from one of these two organizations, proving their competency as a kiter.
We have set up a program with a local organization where two of our newest and most experienced kiters will be eligible to become instructors. This means that at any point in a college year there will be at least 6 Certified Instructors from the sophomore to Senior Classes, and two assistant instructors/ beach crew who are freshman. This ensures that the club will go on and at no point can the progression/ growth be stunted.
Our other primary goal as the most progressive collegiate Kiteboarding club in the nation is to set the precedence for an intercollegiate competitive league, much similar to that of a collegiate Sailing Team. With the latest evolutions in kite technology and kite culture, a number of grass roots events having been coming together over the past few years. A proper event consists of a minimum of three disciplines. The following being possibilities: Course Racing, Boarder-X, Freestyle, Rails/Sliders (Jibbing), Kiteloops, Downwinders, Big Air, or Board Offs. Course Racing is exactly similar to sailing and involves standardized courses with US Sailing Certified Rules. This is the most prevailing aspect to the sport of Kitesurfing and has just recently been held on a National Level for the first time. With the talks and the efforts already in progress it is no surprise that we will inevitably see this sport in the Olympics within the next two decades. Considering that there are only sporadic events where this discipline is practiced and they tend to be spread all over the nation, this will be the only regimented feeder program where riders will be trained to compete in this discipline. We would like nothing more than an Eckerd College Kiteboarder to take the Gold at the first Olympic Kite Course Racing Event. The other disciplines familiarize our riders with the way events are run throughout the world and are primarily there to be fun and push the progression of the sport and our riders.
These are the biggest objectives that we have as a club and have every intention of making them a reality.

In order to become a member of the competetive team in the Kiteboarding Club a one time $100 commitment fee must be given, this fee is for your registration fee’s and sonsorship in all college related events, it also makes you a member of the Collegiate Kiteboarding Association and makes you eligible for the National Championships at the US Wind and Water Open. Lessons through the club cost $35/hr including mandatory ground school lessons which is a one hour intro to the sport and safety.
This ground school lesson can be taken in groups of up to 5 people/instructor and the price can be split amongst them. All lessons after the ground school must be taken individually or with no more than 2 people/instructor. If you are a group of two you can pay a combined $50/hr rather than $35 each. No more than 2 students may be with an instructor during a lesson past the stages of ground school.
Lessons normally cost $100/per hour and with the instructor giving up his time to teach college lessons it is required that you take your lessons seriously and respect your instructors authority over kiteboarding related matters. All members of the active college community are eligible for discounted lessons and Alumni and Family Members of the community will be given similarly discounted lessons should they wish to get into the sport. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A IMPACT VEST/HELMET DURING ALL LESSONS. Once you are a level 3 rider it is
If at any point during a lesson a student is deemed as unsafe, the instructor has the ability to stop the lesson and apply for his wages without reimbursement to the student. This involves, but is not limited to attempting to participate in a lesson while under the influence of any altering substances such as drugs or alcohol, as well as the refusal to safely operate in accordance to the rules that your instructor teaches you. If this situation arises the club’s officers/instructors/president/and faculty advisor will meet to discuss the situation and appropriate action, whether it be cancellation of lesson without reimbursement, or the removal from the club and all association with it.
A student also has the ability to request a different instructor. Should the instructor act unprofessional, be impatient, or not provide ample instruction the student/member can either apply to be reimbursed for his/her money or simply request another instructor who will receive the membership wages in place of the old instructor.
Member ship fee’s to the competitive team will only be able to participate using club/personal gear no kite school gear should be used. Gear that has been used for your lessons is property of the associated kite school, and cannot be used past the time of your lessons.
Membership fee’s DO NOT include outer expenses such as hotel stays, equipment, registration fees, or travel fees. However the club will do its best to provide such things in the event. (We will apply for school vans, coordinate many trips, and arrange discounted travel expenses, but are not obligated to pick up members expenses beyond lesson fee’s.)
All old members will be grandfathered and lessons will be provided when the member takes the initiative.
Once a member graduates, they are no longer eligible to use club gear, but will be provided with the ability to purchase club/school gear at discounted/wholesale prices.
When a member pays an entry fee, that entry fee is only good for that person only and cannot be transferred over to any friends/roommates/associates.
Members can continue to join the club for two months after the start of the semester, this allows instructors to tend to everyone who wishes to join and not have a list of people backed up for lessons, a maximum of 30 new members will be accepted for the lesson lists each semester. Other members can sign on to a waiting list and should the first 30 members get the required lessons, instructors can role over to the waiting list.

There will be a simple hierarchy within the club to avoid conflict and unrest. There will be a president who will act as treasurer as well and will remain president unless his ruling of the club is deemed unfit by other officers and its members. Should that be the case a democratic election can be held and any other officer can run for the position. All active members in the club will be eligible to vote, but only members with an instructor certification, can run for president. Anyone wishing to run for president must also have a minimum of one full academic year left at the college so as to ensure that the club is continuing in the necessary direction and changes in administration do not happen mid-year.
The duty of the president is to hold a minimum of two meetings a month; he is also responsible for keeping in touch with the leaders of other collegiate clubs. Together with the other college clubs he is responsible for scheduling events, obtaining permits, making sure insurance is covered, and maintaining the appropriate smooth relations with the associated kite school, and all local kiteboarders.
There will be a position for an Event Officer as well, this officer must be responsible for helping to budget down any certain functions that the club may be involved in. As well as contacting the appropriate people to make it happen. This person will work in direct relation with the president of the club and will be elected at the beginning of every academic semester. (Contacting city hall to apply for beach permits, arranging monthly kite socials to integrate college kiters with local kiters.)
The rest of the board of officers will automatically include all other certified instructors, and should a general member wish to hold another position they can apply for it with the president of the club and appropriate responsibilities will be delegated where desired.

Meetings and/or clinics must be held a minimum of twice a month by the president and the event officer. Meetings will discuss socials that will be occurring each month and provide up to date info on what is happening in the Collegiate Kiteboarding League.
Clinics will be held monthly and will include trainer kites; demo’s for new gear, new kite movies, and general safety discussions.

Amendments of By-Laws:
Should a member or an officer conflict with a certain established by-law they can write a petition and a suggested alternative to the said by-law in order to have it amended. This amendment will be discussed within the group of officers and the members and will be decided if a vote should take place if it cannot be settled verbally. The motion will pass with a 2/3rds majority vote in favor of the change.

Faculty/ Staff Advisor:
The faculty advisor for the club should be willing to take the time to help out and answer any logistical questions about the club in relation to the College/University. It is not his/her responsibility to enforce/attend by-laws/meetings. The faculty advisory is a useful resource for the club but should not be depended on, rather just contacted for help and figuring things out within the school system. Should they wish to get into the sport or participate in any associated activities, they will do so just as any other member, by paying the entry fee and following the appropriate curriculum, unless a deal is worked out with an instructor.

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